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Eton Mess

Eton Mess

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  • Author: Julie A. Cockburn
  • Total Time: 2 + hours if you make the meringues
  • Yield: 4 1x


Eton Mess is made with crumbled meringues, strawberries, and whipped cream – how can you go wrong with a combo like that?


Units Scale


Makes about 12 2- to 3-inch meringues. You’ll have a few extra. Optionally use 8 store-bought.

  • 3 egg whites
  • Pinch cream of tartar
  • 150 grams (about 2/3 cup) white sugar
  • Tiny splash of vanilla
  • Pinch of salt

Whipped Cream

Makes about 2 cups of whipped cream. Optionally use 2 cups store-bought.

  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Dash of vanilla


  • 2 cups sliced strawberries
  • A pinch of sugar to taste



  1. Preheat your oven to 225°F. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper or a non-stick silicone mat.
  2. Place the egg whites in a squeaky clean glass or metal bowl. Add a pinch of cream of tartar. Using a handheld or stand mixer with a whisk attachment, whip the egg whites until they form soft peaks.
  3. With the mixer running at medium speed, very slowly add the sugar. Turn the mixer to high, and whip until the whites become stiff and glossy, and you can no longer feel sugar granules if you rub a bit between your fingers.
  4. Add a splash of vanilla and a pinch of salt, and continue beating for about a minute longer.
  5. Use a spoon or a piping bag to dollop the meringue into 2- to 3-inch wide rounds on the prepared sheet pan. I personally like to do this with a spoon – a piping bag feels too fussy to me.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour. After 1 hour, turn the heat off, and let the meringues sit in the oven for another 1 hour. Check them for doneness, and remove from the oven to cool completely. You will know they are done when they easily lift off the parchment, and sound hollow with you tap the bottoms.

Whipped Cream

  1. Add the whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla to a cool mixing bowl. Using a handheld or stand mixer with a whisk attachment, whip the cream until it forms stiff peaks.
  2. Keep chilled in the refrigerator until ready for use.


  1. Toss the strawberries with sugar to taste.

Put It Together!

  1. Crumble 8 meringues into medium-size pieces.
  2. Layer the crumbled meringue, strawberries, and whipped cream into 4 individual serving dishes (8-ounce mason jars are especially cute). Messy is good – no need to try to create perfect layers!
  3. Enjoy with gusto!


There is no shame in substituting homemade meringues for store-bought. If you’ve got a source for good quality, tasty ones, I say Go For It! The same goes for whipped cream. If there is a brand out there that you like, more power to you!

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 2 hours + cooling
  • Category: Dessert
  • Cuisine: British
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